The lecture series is part of this year’s annual Intelligent Fabrication Workshop, which is designed for manufacturing and exhibiting various models on a human scale using – in general – digital techniques to design, project and manufacture a footbridge. The ambition is to put materiality at the heart of the design process, and learn from the expertise and knowledge of artists or craftsmen/artisans as well as other parallel practices working directly with matter.
The lecture series will serve also as a scientific seminar as a part of the ongoing research at LEAV on “experience/experimentation” by Dr. Stéphane Berthier and Klaas De Rycke.
Zoom link : https://zoom.us/j/96597086674?pwd=bXFDRjNFUEt2ZzdKZWkwZXB2TE1sZz09
ID : 965 9708 6674
Password : 106504
more information: https://ensavlab.wixsite.com/ensavlab/2021
follow day-to-day: https://www.instagram.com/intelligent.fabrication/
follow youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-dv5K3HhK1fqYYbyK3gp0w
Our design practice has been slowly evolving the last decades to include the new normal of digital design. Simultaneously, manufacturing has become much more digitised than it ever was before. The digitisation of manufacturing has enabled not only to produce cheaper and faster but through the implementation of digital manufacturing in the design practice has been democratised to include once again the designer. In a further development, we see that ecology seems finally to attract the manufacturers, designers and engineers towards more integrated thinking, more optimisation, more material knowledge. These three aspects make one wonder where it leaves the next generation of architects, the position of research, the current teaching methods, the way of conceiving structures and buildings … in order to be able to answer to the questions and skills needed, many teaching methods now include “learning by doing” as a principle and by that is meant the one to one scale construction not simple scaled models. This inevitably leads to architectural and engineering schools to create manufacturing places within the schools premises seeking a closer relation between material, manufacturing, experimentation and the design. There is -also in the research level- a greater interest to use this heightened attention for manufacturing and this automatically leads to much direct experimentation. This experiential and experimental approach to different topics such as manufacturing and (digital) design was usually preserved for phyics labs or generally speaking labs.
This seminar wants to explore some of the current developments in this field and offer a platform for thinking about the future of teaching and the field of architecture and engineering.